Jacques Panchard

Let’s work smarter, not harder.

Hi, welcome to my site.

I’m helping companies to focus on their customers and the value they  provide for them, while also maximizing the value they create for themselves.

If you need  a speaker, a strategist, a coach or a project manager to help you tame the challenges of surviving and thriving in today’s environment, I will be more than happy to help you.

Are you…

An entrepreneur needing to explore the market for his/her service?

Working for a SME realizing that their product or services might become less and less adapted to market needs, and more and more challenged by competition?

A school wanting to train it’s students in the challenges and pitfalls of innovation?

A large enterprise wanting to start or bring to speed an innovation initiative?

Or simply wanting to learn more about innovation techniques and growth hacking?

How I Can Help

Conduct an innovation readiness assessment with you :


* To understand where your risks are, and where the opportunities for your business are



* Help you launch an innovation sprint : to explore your ideas, and validate them, cheaply and rapidly, against the realities of the market


* Organize and deliver a masterclass – or a semester class – to teach you the tips and tricks of innovation


* Build awareness in your company


Why should you work with me?

Because I master the tools and the processes:​

Design/Test Process

Because they trust me:

Strategyzer : I’m an accredited coach and a trusted partner

HEIG-VD : I give a class on innovation

Let’s Chat

The first half  hour is free, don’t hesitate to reach out.